What is Procrastination? 7 easy ways to get rid of it
There are two types of people. The first type is successful person, who achieves everything he wants. Second type is procrastinator. Those who belong to the first type would likely be reading this post, as they have lots of things to do already scheduled, and not much time for reading bloggs. And this article is just for you, the representatives of the second type.
I hasten to note that being a procrastinator is not shameful, indeed, there are more of procrastinators in the World.
The word "procrastination", as Wikipedia tells us, has Latin roots and is used in modern English to describe delay. Thus, the "procrastination" is the tendency to a permanent postponement "for later" unpleasant thoughts and deeds.
Everyone procrastinates. However, some of us are better at dealing with procrastination than others. You’re not alone if you procrastinate. The people that get things done are more effective at minimizing procrastination. You don’t have to remain a master at procrastination. You can choose to become a master of productivity!